
XII-Chemistry Karachi Board

Q.1 (A). State Dobereiner's law and Newland law of octaves and distinguish between Modern Periodic Law and Mendleev's Periodic Law.
Discuss the Long form of the Periodic Table on the basis of electronic configuration.
State the Modern Periodic Law, and explain how it removed the defects of Mendleev's System of classification.
Define Periodicity and describe the merits and demerits of Mendleev's Periodic Table.
Q.1 (B). Draw and give the main characteristics of the isotopes of hydrogen and explain why D2O is heavier than H2O.
What are Binary Compounds of hydrogen? How are they classified? Give preparation and properties of complex hydrides.
Why are Alkai and Alkaline earth metal hydrides are called true hydrides?
What is water gas? Give one method for the separation of hydrogen from water gas.
What is atomic hydrogen? Give its preparation, properties and uses.
Write down the points of similarities and difference of Alkalin metals and Alkaine earth metals.
Differentiate between any TWO of the following
p Block Active Elements and p Block Non-Active Elements
Atomic Hydrogen and Nascent Hydrogen
Isotopes of Hydrogen
Discuss the trends of the following down the group in p-Block Elements.
Atomic Radii
Ionization Potential
Q.1 (C). Give the method for the extraction of alkali metals with reference to the extraction of Sodium metal. Draw the diagram of the cell used in this extraction. Why are anode and cathode compartments separated in the extraction of Sodium? Give the extraction of Sodium by Down's Process.
How Chlorine is obtained from Nelson's Cell or Castner Kellner's Cell, give the important uses of chlorine and write down the auto-oxidation-reduction of Chlorine.
How Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) gas prepared in the laboratory. Draw the structure of Hydrogen Sulphide gas and explain the reducing action of H2S gas with the help of chemical equation.
Q.1 (D). How does C.F.T explain full the colour of the complex ions.
What is Plastic Sulphur? Why does it show the behaviour of elasticity.
What are outer transition and inner transition elements and how many series of each of them are present in the Periodic Table?
Describe the following properties of a d-block elements.
Complex Formation
Catalyst Properties
Magnetic Properties
Formation of Interstial Compounds
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Q.2 (A). How Caustic Soda (Sodium Hydroxide) is manufactured by Castner-Kellener's Process or by Down's Process. Give the uses of Caustic Soda in industry and also describe the advantages and disadvantages of the process.
How Oil of vitriol (Sulphuric Acid) is manufactured by contact Process? Give the important uses of Sulphuric Acid.
What is Corrosion? Write its causes. Give the different methods for the prevention of metals from corrosion.
Q.2 (B). Starting from Roasted Pyrite ore of Copper, describe how pure Copper is obtained? How is blister Copper refined?
What is matte? Give the extraction of Copper from matte. Draw the diagram of Besmer Converter.
Q.2 (C). Write the Chemical Formulae of the following.
Plaster of Paris
Epsom Salt
Lunar Caustic
Red Lead
Water Glass
Potash Alum
Blue Vitriol
Q.2 (D). What are pigments? Describe lead pigments in detail.
Explain the H2SO4 acts as following
Oxidising Agents
Dehydrating Agents
Q.3 (A). Name the following compounds according to I.U.P.A.C System.
Draw the geometrical shapes of the following complexes.
Q.3 (B). Give three methods of industrial preparation of hydrogen. Hydrogen is misfit in Group IA of the Periodic Table. Give at least four points of justify the statement.
Q.3 (C). Give Scientific reasons of the following.
Graphite is more stable allotropic form of carbon than diamond.
Hydrogen Sulphide is a gas whereas water is a liquid.
Zn(OH)2 is soluble in excesses of NaOH solution.
Every period starts from ns1 and ends at ns2np6.
Water and ammonia molecule acts as ligands but H+3O and NH+4 ions do not.
Q.3 (D). Give the balance chemical equations and explain.
Action of heat on blue vitriol
Action of heat on KMnO4
Action of heat on gypsum
Q.4 (A). Write Short notes on following.
Bleaching Powder
Silvering of Mirror
Boric Acid
Stainless Steel
Thermite Process
Lunar Caustic
Tin Plating
Blue Vitriol
Q.4 (B). What happens when? Give chemical equations.
Aluminium is treated with Sodium hydroxide
Litharge is heated with conc. H2SO4
Carbon monoxide is treated with Chlorine
Action of Aqua Regia on gold.
Action of conc H2SO4 on Sucrose.
Q.4 (C). Complete and balance the following chemical equations.
1. Al + H2SO4(dil) --------->
2. H3BO3 + NaOH --------->
3. Al4C3 + H2O --------->
4. Na2CO3 + SiO2 --------->
5. Mg + HNO3(dil) --------->
Q.4 (D). Fill in the blanks with correct answers.
Graphite conducts electricity due to delocalised __________.
The angle between H - S - H molecule is __________.
The refractive index of diamond is __________.
The outer electronic configuration of halogen family is __________.
The mixture of aluminium powder and aluminium nitrate is known as __________.
Ordinary hydrogen is unique is not having __________.

Q.5 (A). Define the following terms.
Functional Group
Homologous Series
Functional Group Isomerism
Q.5 (B). Define Organic Compounds. Explain the types of Organic Compounds and briefly describe the natural sources of organic compounds.
What is meant by refining of Petroleum? Name the different fractions of refining of Petroleum.
Give the mechanism of Chlorination in methane in the presence of Sunlight.
How are white solid and red solid obtained from acetylene? Give chemical equation?
Differentiate between aliphatic and aromatic compounds. Give a simple test to identify them.
How will your prepare a sample of benzene from petroleum.
Draw and discuss the orbital structure of following and give the methods of preparation of each with balanced chemical equation.
Q.5 (C). How is benzene is commercially prepared from n-Heptane? Explain the structure of benzene by molecular orbital treatment and also describe the stability of benzene ring.
Give a brief account for orientation in benzene.
Why does benzene give electrophilic substitution reactions? Explain the following reactions with their mechanisms.
Friedel Craft Alkylation
Q.5 (D). Starting with toluene, how would you prepare p-nitro benzoic acid and m-nitro benzoic acid?
What are nucleophiles and electrophiles? Explain with examples.
Q.6 (A). What are phenols? How are they classified? Explain why phenols are acidic in nature.
What are Alkyl Halides? Give their classification. Explain why primary alkyl halides react by SN2 reaction while tertiary alkyl halides by SN1 reaction.
How would you prepare Grignard's Reagent from alkyl halids? How is Grinard's Reagent used to prepare the following.
Acetic Acid
Ethyl Alcohol
Q.6 (B). What is Cannizaro's Reaction? Show it by equation.
What is Elimination Reaction. Write down the mechanism of E1 and E2 reactions.
Define functional group. Give a method of preparation of a primary alcohol and write down the reaction of ethanol with the solution metal.
What is meant by fermentation? How is ethyl alcohol obtained by fermentation and molsas? What do you mean by rectified and methylated spirits?
Give two methods of preparation of carboxylic acid and write the reaction of ethanol with acetic acid.
What are aldehydes and Ketons? Give one reaction with an equation to distinguish them.
Q.6 (C). Differentiate between fats and oil and give a brief account of saponification.
What are Degerents? Why they are better cleaning agents than soaps? Give a brief account of the cleaning action of detergents?
Q.6 (D). Write the structural formulae of the following
1, 2 - dibromo - 2 - methyl - propane
Picric acid
3 - ethyl - 1 - heptyne
triphenyl - bromo - methane
ethane - dioic - acid
2 - methoxy propane
Q.7 (A). Give the I.U.P.A.C names of the following
(CH3) - CH - CO - C(CH3)3
CH3 - CH = CHCH3
CH3 - COOH CH (CH3)3
Q.7 (B). What are Carbohydrates? Describe the importance of Carbohydrates in Biochemistry. Describe the classification of Carbohydrates based on their taste.
Q.7 (C). Write True or False for the following statements
1. The deficiency of vitamin "A" causes Xerophthalmia.
2. The bleeding of teeth and scurvy is due to the deficiency vitamin "B".
3. The deficiency of vitamin "C" causes rickets.
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Q.8 (A). Differentiate between the following
Ether linkage and Glycoside linkage
Reducing Sugar and Non-reducing Sugar
Saturated hydrocarbons and Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
Explain the following
Zwitter Ion
Glycisde Linkage
Peptide Linkage
Peptide Bond
Conjugated Protein
Aldol Condensation
Q.8 (B). What is Life Chemistry? Describe the importance of protein in life chemistry.
Give the definition of Isomerism? What are the different types of Isomerism?
Q.8 (C). Write notes on the following
Amino Acids
Q.8 (D). Fill in the blanks with the correct answer
A dipolar charged but an overall electricity neutral ions is called __________.
Animal starch is known as __________.
Bakelite is a polymer of phenol and __________.
Resorcinol is not as alcohol but it is a / an __________.
Vitamin B2 is known as __________.
The carbohydrates containing aldehydic group are called __________.

XII-Computer Science Karachi Board


Q.1 (A). Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
i. The __________ loop means loop inside the loop.
ii. Comments in "C" program can be found in the set of __________ characters.
iii. A variable which can be accessed by all program modules is called __________ variables.
iv. Microsoft Access is the example of __________ database management system.
v. The closing brace of a structure is followed by a __________.
Q.1 (B). Choose the correct answer for each from the given options.
i. String is
A list of characters
An array of characters
A collection of characters
None of them
ii. The function Scan f() reads
A single character
A character by string
Any possible number
Any possible variable
iii. In a multiple statement which loop terminated with a
semicolon (;)
comma (,)
Right brace ()
Right bracket (})
iv. The collection of related file is called
v. From which part of a loop is the break statement used to exit
None of them
Q.1 (C). State whether the following statement are "True" or "False".
i. Data type filed with specifier and precision specifier are the parts of a format specifier.
ii. A for () loop contains four expressions: initialize, assignment test and increment.
iii. A function must use return statement to back to the calling function.
iv. Switch () is an exact equivalent of nested if-else statement.
v. In MS Access, expression builder can be used to create logical expression.
Q.1 (D). Match each items in Column "A" with its description in column "B".
Column "A"
(a) Database file
(b) Primary key
(c) High level
(d) Many-to-Many
(e) If-else
Column "B"
(i) Control Statement
(ii) C-Language
(iii) Relationship
(iv) Unique Value
(v) Records
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Q.2 What is a Function? Explain user defined function by giving an example.
What Escape sequences? Define with an example of each.
What is structured Programming? Write the process of creating a "C" Program.
Q.3. Define are operator. Explain Logical Operator.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of functions.
Q.4. What data types are used in "C" language? Explain each by given examples.
Define the Loop. Discuss all the loops used in "C" language with syntax and examples.
Q.5 (A). Explain the following:
i. Relational Operators
ii. Logical Operators
iii. Format Specifiers
iv. Escape Sequence
v. Table
vi. Form
vii. Query
viii. Control Structure
Q.5 (B). Convert the following into equivalent if-else statement.
i. x ? Print f ("negative")
Print f ("positive")
ii. x = (y mod 2 = 0)? Print f ("even")
Print f ("odd")
Q.5 (C). What are commonly used I/O functions in "C" language.
Differentiate between the following
ii. Constant and Variable
iii. Define and Include
iv. Relational Operator & Conditional Operator
v. Scan (f) and ≠getchar
vi. Primary Key and Foreign Key
vii. Break Statement and Continue Statement
viii. Text Box Control and Label Control
ix. While Wend and For NEXT
x. Function and Library Function

Q.6 (A). Write a programme using "C" language to print the factorial of "n" numbers.
Write a programme in "C" language which takes inputs of three numbers from the user and prints the largest number among them.
Q.5 (B). What is nested looping? Write a program using nested loop to print the following output.
2 ..... 04 ..... 06 ..... 08 ..... 10
3 ..... 06 ..... 09 ..... 12 ..... 15
4 ..... 08 ..... 12 ..... 16 ..... 20
5 ..... 10 ..... 15 ..... 20 ..... 25
Q.7 (A). Describe different data base models. Define the different types of relationship in a database.
Discuss all the data types used in MS. Access.
What is primary key? Write down the characteristics of a primary key.
Q.7 (B). What is meant by top-down programming? Define it briefly with a flowchart and an example.
How many types of decision structures are there in "C" language? Define with an example of each.
Q.8. Define conditional operator. How does it differ from the other operator?
Write a program using switch statement.
Q.9 (A). What is the hierarchy of computer languages? Briefly explain the characteristics of high level programming language?
Q.9 (B). What will be the output of the following programs?
void main
{int i;
clrscr ();
for (i = 1; <10; 2 =" 0)" name="SECTION_.22A.22_2">
Q.1 (A). Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
i. A key uniquely identifies a record is called _________.
ii. Retrieving the record from a database is called _________.
iii. The collection of homogenous data is called _________.
iv. _________ is a program which returns value.
v. Byte data type holds an integer in the range of _________.
Q.1 (B). Choose the correct answer for each from the given option.
i. Which DB model allows query through SQL.
ii. A database is collection of
Related fields
Related data
Related records
None of these
iii. Which control presents a group of buttons from which a user can choose only one?
Option button
Command button
Combo box
Check box
iv. Which method is used to hide a form
Form name.Hide
v. Boolean data type store values of type
Q.1 (C). State whether the following statements are "True" or "False".
i. A form is must in every Visual Basic Program.
ii. A foreign key in a table relates the value of another table.
iii. A file which contains upto date records is called master file.
iv. More than one variable can be declared in the same Dim statement.
v. Visual Basic (VB) is an object oriented language.
Q.1 (D). Match the item of Column "A" with its correct description in Column "B".
Column "A"
(a) Join tables
(b) Function
(c) While-Wend
(d) VB-Script
(e) For-Next
Column "B"
(i) Sub-Program
(ii) Web Page
(iii) Foreign Key
(iv) Condition
(v) Looping

Q.2. Define Multiple Document Interface. What are the characteristics of MDI parent form and MDI child form.
Define Array? How can program code.
Define Form and state its tools used in Visual Basic (VB).
Describe database modes with an examples of each.
Q.3 (A). Define the term Function. Explain how it differ from a sub-routine.
What is an active X-control? Discuss the properties a Text Book Active X-control.
What is meant by Control Flow? What control flow structures are used in Visual Basic (VB).
Q.3 (B). What is the purpose of If-then Else Statement? How is nested If-Else Statement suitable in situation where Multiple conditions are to be checked?
Q.4 (A). Define the following terms
i. Form and Report
ii. Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
iii. Mask and edit box
iv. Active x/exe and Standard EXE file
v. Even Driven Programming
vi. Keyboard Events
vii. VB Project
viii. Network Model and Relational Model
ix. Tab Index
x. Timer Control
Q.4 (B). Differentiate between the following
ii. While Wend and FOR Next
iii. Procedure and Function
iv. Primary Key and Foreign Key
v. Text Box and Control and Label Control
Q.5 (A). Write a program to calculate factorial of any number "N" by using any loop statement, read values from Text box and write it in the other Text box.
Q.5 (B). Write a values of x in the following
i. x = 2
x = x + x
ii. x = 5
if x < x =" 2*" x =" x" x =" x" google_ad_client = "pub-5768095922297388" google_ad_slot = "8081389568" google_ad_width =" 728;google_ad_height" name="SECTION_.22C.22_2">
Q.6. What is Active - X Data Object (ADO)? How is it used to connect a database?
What is Loop? How many types of loops are there in Visual Basic (VB) Describe each with syntax and examples.
Define query language with at least three examples?
Q.7. What is table object in Microsoft Access? How does it differ from the query object?
How many data types are used in Visual Basic (VB)? Explain each data types with an example.
What is Relational Database? Discuss the advantages of RDBMS.
Q.8 (A). What is a database? How does a data management system help in maintaining data in an efficient way?
What is a database? How is a database connected with a Visual Basic Program? What is meant by dynaset?
Q.8 (B). Explain the Following
i. Table
ii. Query
iii. Form
iv. Report
v. Command Button

XII- English Karachi Board

Q.1. Explain with reference to the context any ONE of the following:
A. Europeans, with unpardonable insularity, call this period, "The Dark Ages" but it was only in Europe that it was dark indeed only in Christian Europe, for Spain, which was Muhammadan, had a brilliant culture.
Liberty does not descend upon a people, a people must raise themselves to it. It is a fruit that must be earned before it can be enjoyed.
B. The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science.
"How lucky you mentioned it! It is quite remarkable how one good action always breeds another. I have given you my wheel barrow, and now you are going to give me your plank.
Note Lessons for Reference to the Context
Reflection on the Reawakening East
Pakistan and Modern World
The Day the Dam Broke
The World As I See It
The Devoted Friend
Q.2. Write the Summary of any ONE of the following lessons
The Day the Dam Broke
Act-III of Silver Box
Pakistan and the Modern World
The Devoted Friend
Answer the following questions
1. The "Day the Dam Broke" is a good example of Thurber's Sardonic but affectionate view of human behaviour. Comment.
2. What were the main reasons given by Liaquat Ali Khan for the Muslims desire not to continue living in United India?
3. Why do we have a feeling that the judgement was unfair, at the end of the play in the Act III of the Silver Box?
4. What reasons do we have to say that the Miller was selfish person and what was the worst example of his selfish nature?
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Q.3. Explain with reference to the context any ONE of the following
a) Good thoughts his only friends,
His wealth a well spent age,
The earth his sober inn
And quite pilgrimage,
b) last Scene of all, that ends this
Strange eventful histor,
Is second childishness, and more oblivion
Sans teeth, Sans eyes, Sans taste, Sans everything.
c) Push off, and sitting well in order smite
The sounding furrows, for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the Western stars, until I die.
d) O' blindness to the future kindly given,
That each may fill the circle marked by Heaven
Who sees with equal eye, as God of all.
Q.4 (A). Write the Summary of any ONE of the following poems
Solitary Reaper
Lines from an Essay on Man
A Man of Life Upright
Say Not the Struggle Naught Availeth
Lines from Endymion
Answer the following Question
1. Describe how Ulysses inspires his sailors to start the last voyage of their lives.
2. Describe the qualities of a man who leads an Upright Life.
3. How does the poet compare the song of the reaper with the song of two different birds?
4. In the poem "Say not the Struggle Naught Availeth, What examples does the poet give in the last two stanzas to prove his view point.
Q.5. Write the character sketch of any ONE of the following
Black Micheal
Antoinette de Mauban
Colonel Sapt
Princess Flavia
Rupert of Hentzau
Answer the following questions
1. Describe the Villainy of Black Micheal in your own words.
2. Antoinette de Mauban betrayed Black Micheal rightly. Discuss.
3. "The Prisoner of Zenda" is a novel of adventure. Discuss.
4. Describe any incident which you like the most in the novel "The Prisoner of Zenda".
5. "If Love were all". Elaborate these words of Princess Flavia with the reference to the story of the novel.
Q.6. Change the following into indirect speech
"Certainly", cried little Hans, I take quite as a compliment your coming to me, and I will start off at once. But you most lend me your lantern, as the night is so dark that I am afraid I might fall into the ditch.
Q.7. Use any FIVE of the following idioms / phrases in your own sentences
Through thick and thin
To call names
A fish out of water
To see eye to eye
In camera
To win laurels,
To cry for the moon
To look down upon
To face the music
from hand to mouth
time and again
To carry on
in a fix
French Leave
a burning questions
ups and downs
To bury the hatchet
in black and white
To take into account
At the eleventh hour
To make out
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Q.8. Write an essay on any ONE of the following
The Importance of Science in every day life
Atmospheric Pollution
Qualities of a good student
Karachi-City of Mega Problems
An unforgettable Incident of your life
Terrorism - Causes, Effects and Solution
Nuclear Energy for War or Peace
Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet
Q.9. Read the given passage and the questions given below
It must be recognized that science has its limitations. Its methods apply to those things which can be observed, measured and treated mathematically. It has nothing to do with values ...... save those of truth and accuracy. It has nothing to do with happiness, goodness, beauty, courage, adventure, justice, altuism friendship, love of family, love of country. Yet all these values enter into a man's conception of what is the good personal life within a good society.
What can science do with values?
Where can its method be applied?
Why the values important for man's conception?
Give the meaning of underlined words?

XII-Pakistan Studies Karachi Board

Q.1 (A). What is meant by Two Nation Theory? What role did this theory play in the establishment of Pakistan.
The Two Nation Theory gave birth to the Ideology of Pakistan. Discuss
Why did the Muslims in the Sub-Continent demand a separate homeland for themselves.
Describe the aims and objectives of the struggle for Pakistan.
Q.1 (B). Describe briefly the constitutional history of Pakistan from 1949 to 1973 A.D.
Explain the importance of the Objectives Resolution in the Constitution making of Pakistan.
Describe the Islamic Provisions of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 A.D.
Q.2 (A). Give an estimate of Muhammad Bin Qasim for the establishment of the Muslim Society in the Sub-Continent.
Discuss the role of All India Muslim League in the creation of Pakistan.
Write down the aims and objectives of All India Muslim League.
Write a note on the services of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
Describe the political and educational services of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan with the reference of Aligarh Movement.
Q.2 (B). Comment on the political events in the Sub-Continent which took place from 1906 to 1947 A.D.
Describe the geographical location of Pakistan and its importance in the region.
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Q.3 (A). What do you know about the Cultural heritage of Pakistan.
Describe the salient features of the Pakistani Culture.
Describe the role of Urdu Language in the integration of Pakistan.
Q.3 (B). Write an essay on the Agriculture of Pakistan.
Agriculture is the backbone of our economy. Discuss.
What do you know about the Foreign Policy of Pakistan? Explain
Q.4. Write notes on any TWO of the following
Allama Iqbal's Presidential Address at Allahabad.
The Kashmir Dispute
Pakistan Resolution, 1940
Natural Resources of Pakistan
Economy of Pakistan
Main Industries of Pakistan
Fourteen Points of Quaid-e-Azam
The Role of Pakistan in Organization of Islamic Conference.
Q.5. Answer any FOUR of the following
1. When and and between which countries was the Indus Basin Treaty signed?
Write down the years of the first two Round Table conferences.
When and where did Pakistan's first atomic nuclear explosion take place.
What do you know about the development projects of City District Government Karachi.
2. Which province of Pakistan is the biggest in area and which province has the largest population?
Write the names of two food crops and two cash of Pakistan.
What is the poetic collection of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai named.
When did Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar die and where was he buried?
3. When and where was Sindh Muslim League formed?
Write the names of the rivers whose water is used by Pakistan under the Indus Basin Treaty?
When did the partition of Bengal take place and when it was annulled?
4. Name the rivers on which Mangla and Tarbela dams are built.
When did quit India Movement start and what addition to the slogan was made by Quaid-e-Azam?
When and under whose leadership did the Simla Delegation meet the Viceroy?
5. Who dissolved the first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan and when?
What is the literal meaning of Urdu?
Write the names of the two Muslim member countries of SAARC.
6. What do you know about the regional languages of Pakistan?
What is the Constitutional name of Pakistan and what is its total area?
When and between which parties was Lucknow Pact signed?
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Q.6. Fill in the blanks of any FIVE of the following with the correct answers.
1. The first constitution of Pakistan was enforced in A.D. _____________ and the third constitution was enforced in A.D. _____________.
2. The Crisp Mission came to India in _____________ A.D. and the Cabinet Mission in _____________ A.D.
3. Heer Ranjha was written by _____________ and Sassi Panhu was written by _____________.
4. The Mahabat Khan mosque situated at _____________ and the Wazir Khan mosque is situated at _____________.
5. _____________ is a national flower of Pakistan and _____________ is the national game of Pakistan.
6. _____________ was the first Governor General of Pakistan and _____________ was its first President.
7. The Congress was founded in the year _____________ A.D. and the All India Muslim League was founded in the year _____________ A.D.
8. The Pakistan Resolution was proposed by _____________ and it seconded, in the first instance by _____________.
9. Large deposits of natural gas was discovered at _____________ in the year _____________ A.D.
10. The first Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement was held in _____________ A.D. and Pakistan became its member in _____________ A.D.
11. Sindh was separated from _____________ in the year _____________ A.D.
12. The second World War started in the year _____________ A.D. and ended in the year _____________ A.D.
13. The head of the state of Pakistan is called _____________ and the head of the government of Pakistan is called _____________.
14. The highway which connects _____________ and _____________ is Shahrah-e-Resham (Karakoram Highway)
15. Allama Shabbir Ahmed Usmani died in the year _____________ A.D. ans was buried in the premises of _____________ college in Karachi.

XII-Urdu Karachi Board

اردو لازمی
سوال نمبر ۱: مندرجہ ذیل اقتباسات میں سے کسی دو اقتباسات کی تشریح و سباق کے حوالے سے کیجیے۔
الف۔ ساءل اپنے اندوختے کو جو بھیک کے ذریعے اس نے پیدا کیا ہے چھپاتا ہے اور باوجود استطاعت کے اپنی ناداری کا اظہار کرتا ہے اس طرح کفران نعمت، دروغ گوءی اور مکاری کے سخت ترین گناہوں کو اپنی کامیابی گردانتا ہے۔
ب۔ ملک و ملت کی جنگ ابھی جاری ہے لیکن نعرہ جنگ خاموش ہے۔ فتح و شکست تو اسی لءے بناءے گءے ہیں کہ فتح و شکست ہوتی رہے لیکن جنگ آزما کہاں ہے۔ شہادت کس کو نصیب ہوگی۔ ایسا حسین رضی اللہ عنہ کہاں جس کو خود یزید کی تلاش ہو۔
ج۔ وہ تمام اشخاص جو کسی مذہب کے حلقہ اطاعت میں داخل ہوں نا ممکن ہے کہ وہ کسی ایک ہی صنف انسانی سے متعلق ہوں۔ اس دنیا کی بنیاد ہی اختلاف عمل ہر ہے۔ باہمی تعاون اور مختلف پیشوں اور کاموں کے ذریعے یہ دنیا چل رہی ہے۔
د۔ آج ہماری مادی ترقی بام عروج پر ہے لباس، سامان، گھر اور روءے زمین پر انسانی عقل کی کارگزاریاں نمایاں ہیں اور اسی نے زندگی کی مصنوعی آساءشیں بھی مہیا کی ہیں لیکن ساتھ ہی اس نے اپنے ماحول کو جن آلاءشوں کی آما چگا بنایا ہے وہ آج ہمارے لءے لمحہ فکریہ بن گءی ہے۔
نوٹ: اسباق براءے اقتباسات
سیرت محمدی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی جامعیت
مولانا محمد علی جوہر
اردو ذریعہ تعلیم
آو سب مل کر کوشش کریں
عزم و جزم
محسن الملک
چند لمحے سجاد حیدر کے ساتھ
اسلام میں گداگری کی مذمت
شفاء الملک مرحوم
سوال نمبر 2: مندرجہ ذیل میں سے کسی ایک نثر نگار کے طرز تحریر پر تبصرہ کیجیے۔
سر سید احمد خان
مولوی عبدالحق
مرزا فرحت اللہ بیگ
پروفیسر رشید احمد صدیقی
سوال نمبر 3: مندرجہ ذیل میں سے کسی ایک سبق کا خلاصہ تحریر کیجیے۔
ہم سفر
سمندر کا دل
سوال نمبر 4: اردو افسانہ کی تاریخ کو بیان کیجیے۔
اردو ڈرامہ نگاری کی مختصر تاریخ کو بیان کیجیے۔
غلام عباس اور سادت حسن منٹو میں سے کسی ایک کی افسانہ نگاری پر تبصرہ کیجیے۔
سید امتیاز علی تاج کی ڈرامہ نگاری کی خصوصیات بیان کیجیے۔
سوال نمبر 5 الف: مندرجہ ذیل اشعار میں سے کسی تین کی تشریح شاعر کے حوالے سے کیجیے۔
تیرا ہی حسن جنگ میں ہر چند ہے مدجزن ؔ تس پر بھی تشنہ کام دیدار ہیں تو ہم ہیں
واءے نادانی کہ وقت مرگ یہ ثابت ہوا ؔ خواب تھا جو کچھ کہ دیکھا جو سنا افسانہ تھا
لے سانس بھی آہستہ کہ نازک ہے بہت کام ؔ آفاق کی اس کارگہ شیشہ گری کا
آفاق کی منزل کو گیا کون سلامت ؔ اسباب لٹا راہ میں یاں ہر سفری کا
آتش دوزخ میں یہ گرمی کہاں ؔ سوزغم ہاءے نہانی اور ہے
بارہا دیکھیں ان کی رنجشیں ؔ پر کچھ اب کے سرگرانی اور ہے
ایک ہم میں کہ ہوءے ایسے پشیماں کہ بس ؔ ایک وہ ہیں کہ جنھیں چاہ کے ارماں ہوں گے
اگر غفلت سے باز آیا تو جفا کی ؔ تلافی کی بھی ظالم نے تو کیا کی
ہم جس پر مررہے ہیں وہ ہے بات ہی کچھ اور ؔ عالم میں تجھ سے لاکھ سہی تو مگر کہاں
ہوتی نہیں قبول دعا ترک عشق کی ؔ دل چاہتا نہ ہو تو زباں میں اثر کہاں
دل کو تھا حوصلہ عرض تمنا سو انہیں ؔ سرگزشت سب ہجراں بھی سناءی نہ گءی
ہم سے پوچھا نہ گیا نام و نشاں بھی ان کا ؔ جستجو کی کوءی تمہید اٹھاءی نہ گءی
میں تجھ کو بتاتا ہوں، تقدیر امم کیا ہے ؔ شمشیر و سناں اول، طاوس و رباب آخر
نہیں اس کھلی فضاء میں کوءی گوشہ فراغت ؔ یہ جہاں عجب ہے نہ قفس نہ آشیانہ
دوستو! اس چشم و لب کی کچھ کہو جس کے بغیر ؔ گلستان کی بات رنگین ہے نہ میخانے کا نام
تو کہاں جاءے گی کچھ اپنا ٹھکانہ لے کر ؔ ہم تو کل خواب عدم میں شب ہجراں ہوں گے
سوال نمبر 4 ب: مندرجہ ذیل میں سے کسی ایک بند کی تشریح شاعر کے حوالے سے کیجیے۔
کیا ان کو خبر تھی سینوں سے جوخون چرایا کرتے تھے ؔ اک روز اسی بے رنگی سے جھلکیں گی ہزاروں تصویریں
کیا ان کو خبر تھی ہونٹوں پر جو قفل لگایا کرتے تھے ؔ اک روز اسی خاموشی سے ٹپکیں گی ہزاروں تقریریں
سنبھلو کہ وہ زنداں گونج اٹھا، جھپٹو کہ وہ قیدی چھوٹ گءے
اٹھو کہ وہ بیٹھیں دیواریں، دوڑو کہ وہ ٹوٹیں زنجیریں
اک بگولے کی طرح بڑھتی ہوءی میدان میں ؔ جنگلوں میں آندھیوں کا زور دکھلاتی ہوءی
اک رخش بے عناں کی برق رفتاری کے ساتھ ؔ خندقوں کو پھاندتی، ٹیلوں سے کتراتی ہوءی
مرغزاروں میں دکھاتی جوءے شیریں کا خرام
وادیوں میں ابر کی مانند منڈلاتی ہوءی
مندرجہ ذیل میں سے کسی ایک نظم کا مرکزی خیال لکھیں۔
حضرت فاطمہ الزہرا رضی اللہ عنہما کی رخصتی
اکبر اور مغربی تعلیم
شکست زنداں کا خواب
جشن بے چارگی
سوال نمبر 5: مندرجہ ذیل میں سے کسی ایک شاعر کے کلام کی خصوصیات بیان کیجیے۔
میر تقی میر
حکیم مومن خان مومن
اکبر الہ آبادی
فیض احمد فیض

XII- مطالعہ پاکستان Pakistan Studies in Urdu Karchi Board

مطالعہ پاکستان
سوال نمبر 1 الف: دو قومی نظریہ کا کیا مفہوم ہے؟ اس نظریہ نے قیام پاکستان میں کیا کردار ادا کیا ۔
نطریہ پاکستان نے دو قومی نظریہ کے بطن سے جنم لیا۔ بحث کیجیے۔
برصغیر کے مسلمانوں نے اپنے لءے علیحدہ وطن کا مطالبہ کیوں کیا تھا؟
حصول پاکستان کی جدوجہد کے اغراض و مقاصد بیان کیجیے۔
سوال بمبر 1 ب: پاکستان کی دستوری تاریخ 1949 تا 1973 مختصراً بیان کیجیے۔
پاکستان کی دستور سازی میں قرارداد مقاصد کی اہمیت بیان کیجیے۔
ج 1973 کے دستور کی اسلامی دفعات کو بیان کیجیے۔
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سوال نمبر 2 الف: برصغیر پاک و ہند میں مسلم معاشرہ کے قیام میں محمد بن قاسم کی خدمات کا جاءزہ لیجیے۔
قیام پاکستان میں آل انڈیا مسلم لیگ کے کردار پر بحث کیجیے۔
آل انڈیا مسلم لیگ کے قیام کے اغزاض و مقاصد تحریر کیجیے۔
قاءد اعظم محمد علی جناح کی خدمات پر نوٹ تحریر کیجیے۔
ہندوستان کے مسلمانوں کے لیے سر سید احمد خان کی تعلیمی اور سیاسی خدمات علی گڑھ کے خصوصی حوالہ سے بیان کیجیے۔
سوال نمبر 2 ب: برصغیر میں 1906 سے 1947 تک رونما ہونے والے سیاسی واقعات کو بیان کیجیے۔
خطہ میں پاکستان کے محل و وقوع کی جغرافیاءی اہمیت کو بیان کیجیے۔
سوال نمبر 3 الف: پاکستان کے ثقافتی ورثہ کے بارے میں آپ کیا جانتے ہیں۔
پاکستان کی ثقافت کے نمایاں خدوخال بیان کیجیے۔
پاکستان کی قومی یکجہتی میں اردو زبان کا کردار بیان کیجیے۔
سوال نمبر 3 ب: پاکستان زراعت پر ایک مضمون لکھیے۔ پاکستان کی معیشت میں زراعت ریڑھ کی ہڈی کی حیثیت رکھتی ہے بحث کیجیے۔
پاکستان کی خارجہ پالیسی کے بارے میں آپ کیا جانتے ہیں؟ وضاحت کیجیے۔
سوال نمبر 4: مندرجہ ذیل میں سے کسی دو پر نوٹ تحریر کیجیے۔
علامہ اقبال کا خطبہ صدارت الہ آباد
قرارداد پاکستان 1940
سارک SAARC
تنازعہ کشمیر
قاءد اعظم کے چودہ نکات
پاکستان کی معیشت
اقوام متحدہ
پاکستان کے قدرتی وساءل
پاکستان کی اہم صنعتیں
اسلامی کانفرنس کی تنظیم میں پاکستان کا کردار
سوال نمبر 5الف: مندرجہ ذیل میں سے کسی چار کے مختصر جوابات تحریر کیجیے۔
سندھ طاس معاہدہ کب اور کن ممالک کے درمیان ہوا۔
پہلی دو گول میز کانفرنسوں کے سن تحریر کیجیے۔
پاکستان نے پہلا ایٹمی دھماکہ کب اور کہاں کیا
کراچی شہری حکومت کے ترقیاتی منصوبوں کے بارے میں آپ کیا جانتے ہیں۔
پاکستان کو کون سا صوبہ رقبہ کے لحاظ سے اور کون سا آبادی کے لحاظ سے سب سے بڑا ہے؟
پاکستان کی دو نقد آور اور دو غذاءی فصلوں کے نام تحریر کیجیے۔
شاہ عبدالطیف بھٹاءی کے مجموعہ کلام کا نام تحریر کیجیے۔
مولونا محمد علی جوہر کا انتقال کب ہوا اور وہ کہاں دفن ہیں؟
سندھ مسلم لیگ کا قیام کب اور کہاں عمل میں آیا؟
سندھ طاس معاہدہ کے تحت پاکستان کو جن دریاوں کے پانی کے استعمال کا حق ملا ان کے نام تحریر کیجیے۔
تقسیم بنگال کب عمل میں آءی اور اسے کب منسوخ کیا گیا؟
منگلا ڈیم اور تربیلا ڈیم کن دریاوں پر تعمیر کیے گءے ہیں؟
ہندوستان چھوڑدو تحریک کب شروع ہوءی؟
قاءد اعظم نے اس کے نعرہ میں کیا اضافہ کیا؟
شملہ وفد کب اور کس قیادت میں واءسراءے سے ملنے گیا؟
پاکستان کی پہلی دستور ساز اسمبلی کو کس نے اور کب توڑا؟
اردو کے لغوی معنی کیا ہیں؟
سارک میں شامل دو مسلم ممالک کے نام لکھیے۔
پاکستان کی علاقاءی زبانوں کے بارے میں آپ کیا جانتے ہیں؟
پاکستان کا آءینی نام کیا ہے اور اس کا کل رقبہ کتنا ہے؟
میثاق لکھنو کب اور کن پارٹیوں کے درمیان طے پایا؟
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سوال نمبر 5 ب: مندرجہ ذیل میں سے کسی پانچ اجزاء کی خالی جگہ کو درست جوابات سے پر کیجیے۔
پاکستان کا پہلا دستور________ میں تیسرا سن ________ میں نافذ ہوا۔
کرپس مشن سن ________ اور کابینہ مشن سن ________ میں ہندوستان آیا۔
قصہ ہیر رانجھا ________ نے اورقصہ سسی پنوں ________ نے لکھا ہے۔
مسجد مہابت خان ________ میں واقع ہے اور مسجد وزیر خان ________ میں واقع ہے۔
پاکستان کا قومی پھول ________ ہے اور پاکستان کا قومی کھیل ________ ہے۔
پاکستان کے پہلے گورنر جنرل ________ اور اس کے پہلے صدر ________ تھے۔
کانگریس کی بنیاد سن ________ میں پڑی جبکہ مسلم لیگ کو سن ________ میں قاءم کیا گیا۔
قرارداد پاکستان کو ________ نے پیش کیا تھا اور سب سے پہلے اس کی تاءید ________ نے کی تھی۔
قدرتی گیس کے وسیع ذخاءر ________ کے مقام پر سن ________ میں دریافت ہوءے۔
غیر جانبدار تحریک کی پہلی کانفرنس سن ________ میں ہوءی اور پاکستان اس کا ممبر سن ________ میں بنا۔
سندھ کو ________ سے سن ________ میں علیدہ کیا گیا۔
دوسری عالمی جنگ سن ________ میں شروع ہوءی اور سن ________ میں ختم ہوءی۔
ریاست پاکستان کے سربراہ کو ________ کہتے ہیں اور حکومت کے سربراہ کو ________ کہتے ہیں۔
وہ شاہراہ جو ________ اور ________ کو ملاتی ہے شاہراہ ریشم شاہراہ قراقرم کہلاتی ہے۔
علامہ شبیر احمد عثمانی کا انتقال سن ________ میں ہوا اور وہ ________ کالج کے کراچی کے احاطہ میں مدفون ہیں۔

XII-Zoology Karachi Board

Q.1 (A). Describe the structure of Nephron and explain the regulatory functions of Kidney?
Write the structure and function of different parts of the Human Brain.
Describe in detail the process of locomotion in protozoa with the help of diagrams.
Describe the process of locomotion in Hydra, Planaria, Earth Worm and Star Fish.
Q.1 (B). Explain Unguligrade and Digitigrade locomotions.
Briefly describe the hydrostatic Skeleton.
What are the conditions necessary for locomotion.
Write notes on the following
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
Striated Muscles
Hinge Joint
Q.1 (C). What is the difference between striated and Non-Striated Muscles? Describe the structure of Striated Muscles in detail with the help of diagrams.
Q.1 (D). Fill in the blanks with the correct answers
i. Anaemia is the __________ disorders.
ii. Albinism is the __________ disorders.
iii. The cleavage in a chick is irregular and of __________ type.
iv. The human population is growing at the rate of __________ per year.
v. The movement towards the stimulus is called __________.
vi. The study of Abnormal Development is called __________.
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Q.2 (A). What is Joint? Describe the different kinds of a Joint found in human Skeleton. Explain the mechanism of meveable joint with the help of a diagram.
Define Innate and Learned Behaviour. Describe various types of learning behaviour.
Q.2 (B). Define Aging. Explain the causes of Aging.
What are common skeleton-related diseases in man? Explain any two of them.
Differentiate between External Fertilization and Internal Fertilization.
Name different types of Asexual Reproduction. Explain any ONE of them.
Q.2 (C). Write notes on the following.
Locomotion in Cockroach
Abnormal Muscle Contraction
Evolution of Nervous System
Q.2 (D). Choose the correct answer for each from the given options.
i. The gas responsible for depletion of Ozone is
Carbon Dioxide
ii. The cavity of Gastrula is
iii. The first cloned sheep was given the name
None of them
iv. The thick filament of a Striated muscle is made up of
v. Malpighain tubules are the excretory organs of
vi. The Cylic AMP serves as
First Messenger
Second Messenger
Third Messenger
Fourth Messenger
Q.3 (A). Explain in detail the Male Reproductive System in Man and draw neat and labeled diagram.
Define Sexual Reproduction. Describe the human female Reproductive System. Draw neat and labeled diagram of the system.
Describe with the help of diagram the changes in Ovary and the Uterus during Menstrual cycle.
Q.3 (B). Explain in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.
Discuss any Three types of Nervous Disorder or Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
Write down the role of Pituitary gland in female reproductive cycle.
Write a brief note on Gonorrhea and AIDS.
What types of hormones are produced by human placenta.
Q.3 (C). Write a note on wild life and explain briefly endangered species.
Q.3 (D). Write "True" or "False" for the following statements.
i. The deficiency of vitamin "B" causes Scurvy.
ii. Smog causes irritation to lungs and eyes.
iii. Memory is stored in mid-brain
iv. Cortisole is called emergency hormone
v. Tatat is palindrome
vi. About 5% stones are formed in the Kidney from Uric acid.
Q.4 (A). Describe Lamarck's Theory of Evolution with examples and state the objections to it.
Define Gastrulation. Describe the development of a chick up to the formation of three germinal layers with the help of diagrams.
Describe the Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen Cycles in nature with the help of a graphic diagrams.
Q.4 (B). Define a Neutron and write down the names of different types of Neutron.
Draw only the labeled diagram of L.S of a hen's egg.
Give the names and functions of the hormones secreted by Pituitary gland.
Write notes on the following
Thyroid Gland
DNA finger Printing
Six disorders of Abnormal Development
Food chain & Food Web
Symbiosis and Commensalism
Test Tube Baby
Q.4 (C). Describe main changes that take during metamorphosis in Tadpole larva of frog. Explain your answer with the help of diagrams.
Q.4 (D). Fill in the blanks with the correct answers
i. The egg of a bird is of __________ type.
ii. The Human Brain consists of the functional clusters of the cells called __________.
iii. In man there are __________ pairs of spinal nerves.
iv. The body temperature of a man above 98.6°F is termed as __________.
v. Corpus luteum produces __________ hormones.
vi. The hypothalamus is a set of a particular point called __________.
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Q.5 (A). Describe some uses and applications of Biotechnology. What could be its potential hazards?
What are infectious and Parasitic diseases? Write their causes and transmission with examples.
What is Energy? Write down its type. Explain any there types in detail.
Describe the diseases caused by viruses and Bacteria?
Q.5 (B). Write a note on Classic conditioning.
Write a note on evidences from Vestigial organs.
Define Ecosystem. Mention the biotic and abiotic factors of an Ecosystem.
Differentiate between Renewable and Non-Renewable resources of energy.
Draw only the graphic diagram of Nitrogen cycle.
Q.5 (C). What is Gene Therapy? How is it helpful in treating diseases?
Q.5 (D). Match the items of the given columns correctly.
Column "A"
(a) Gliding Joint
(b) Tube Feet
(c) Thyroxin
(d) Milk
(e) Klinefelter's Syndrome
(f) Solar Energy
Column "B"
(i) Renewable Energy
(ii) Male Sexual Defect
(iii) Mammary Gland
(iv) Thyroid Gland
(v) Star Fish
(vi) Vertebrate

XII-Physics Karachi Board


Q.1 (A). Choose the correct answer from the given options.
i. RMS velocity of a gas molecule at absolute zero temperature is
9 x 10(6)m/sec
3 x 10(3)m/sec
ii. The heat required to produce a unit change in the temperature of a substance is called
Heat Capacity
Molar Heat
Specific Heat
Latent Heat
iii. The value of Baltzman's constant is
3.85 x 10(-23) Jk-1
2.185 x 10(-12) Jk-1
1.62 x 10-22 JK-1
1.38 x 10-23 JK-1
Q.1 (B). State the basic assumptions of the Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases.
State the Gas Laws. How are they combined to give the equation of an ideal gas.
Define Co-efficient of linear expansion and Co-efficient of volume expansion and prove that the co-efficient of cuibal expansion is three times of the co-efficient of linear expansion. (β = 3α).
Show that the pressure of ideal gas is P = 1/3 pV2. Where p is the density of the gas. Verify Boyle's Law and Charle's Law on the basis of kinetic molecular theory.
Q.1 (C). Using the equation for pressure P = 1/3 pV2. Prove that the absolute temperature of an ideal gas is proportional to the average Kinetic Energy (K.E) of the molecules.
Q.1 (D). Find the root mean square velocity of hydrogen gas molecule at 100°C. Take the mass of hydrogen molecule 3.32 x 10(-27) Kg and K = 1.38 x 10-23 J/K.
Calculate the volume occupied by a gram mole of a gas at 10°C and pressure one atmosphere. (Given R = 8.313 J mol-1 K-1, 1 atmosphere = 1.01 x 10(5) N/m2)
Q.2 (A). Choose the correct answer for each from the given options.
i. The area of a carnot cycle represents.
Energy loss due to leakage
Heat rejected
Heat absorbed
Useful work
ii. 273 K is equal to
iii. Two ends "A" and "B" of a rod are at temperature -10°F and -30°F. The heat will flow from
-30°F to -10°F
-10°F to -30°F
Will not flow to all
None of the above
Q.2 (B). Define Thermal expansion and Thermodynamics. State the First law of Thermodynamics. Describe Isobaric process, Adiabatic Process, Isochoric Process and Isothermal Process with their graphical representation.
What is Thermodynamics? Give two statements of the Second Law of Thermodynamics and prove that both the statements of the Second Law of Thermodynamics and prove that both the statements are identical and equivalent.
Q.2 (C). Describe the construction and working of a Carnot's Engine. Derive an expression for the efficiency of Carnot's Engine. Draw labeled graphical representation of the Carnot's Engine to explain its complete operation.
Explain the concept of Entropy. Also state the Second Law of Thermodynamics in terms of Entropy?
Q.2 (D). A heat engine are works 1000 Joules at the same time rejects 4000 Joules of heat energy to the cold reservoir. What is the efficiency of the heat engine? If the difference of temperature between sink and source of this engine is 75°C. Find the temperature of its source.
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Q.3 (A). Select the correct answer for each from the given options.
i. The minimum electrical charge possible in isolated form is
1.6 x 10(-19)C
1 x 10(12)C
1 x 10(-6)C
One Coulomb
ii. The change of Potential Energy of a unit charge between two points in an electrical filed is called
Potential Difference
iii. The direction of induced current is given by
Ampere's Law
Faraday's Law
Lenz's Law
Snell's Law
Q.3 (B). State Coulomb's Law and give its mathematical relation for the force between the charges when placed.
In a free space
In a medium of relative permitivity (Єr)
Define Resistance and write down its units? How does the resistance of a conductor depend upon temperature? Derive the equation for the resistance at a given temperature.
Define Electric Potential. Derive the relation between an Electric Field and Potential Difference.
Define the Capacity of a Capacitor. Derive an expression for the Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor having some dielectric between its plates.
Derive a relation the equivalent capacitance of the three capacitors connected in parallel or series.
Q.3 (C). Describe a method for determining the ratio of charge and mass of an electron. Derive the mathematical equation. Explain J.J Thomson method to find charge to mass (e/m) ratio of an electron.
Q.3 (D). How many excess electrons must be placed on each of the two small spheres placed 3.0 cm apart if the force of repulsion between them is 10-19 N.
Q.4 (A). Choose the correct answer for each from the given options.
i. When a resistor carries a current "I", the power dissipated by it is "P" If the same resistor has the current of 31, the power dissipated will be.
None of the above
ii. Coulomb/Volt is the unit of
iii. Decreasing the separation of two positive charges by one-half will cause the force of repulsion to be charged by
1/4 times
2 times
1/2 times
4 times
Q.4 (B). Define Electromagnetic Induction and Induced e.m.f. State Faraday's Laws of electromagnetic induction. Also state Lenz's law for induced e.m.f.
Define Self Deduction and Self-Inductance and obtain an expression for the Self of Mutal Induction and obtain an expression for the Mutual Inductance of two coils.
What is motional e.m.f. Derive an expression for it.
Q.4 (C). State the law which governs the Potential difference across the conductor related to its dimensions? Derive the formula for the temperature co-efficient of resistivity.
Q.4 (D). An aeroplane is flying in a region where the vertical component of hte earth's magnetic filed is 3.2 x 10(-4) Tesla. If the wing wing span of the aeroplane is 50 meters and its velocity is 360 Km/hour find the Induced E.M.F between the tips of the wings of the aeroplane.
Q.5 (A).Select the correct answer for each from the given options.
i. The semi conductor diode is used as
ii. The maximum resistance in an A.C Circuit is offered by
Electric bulb
iii. The path of the neutron moving normal to a magnetic field is a/an
Straight line
Q.5 (B). What is galvanometer? With the help of neat and labeled diagram, describe the construction and working of a moving coil galvanometer. Describe how a galvanometer can be converted into an Ammeter and a Voltmeter, derive mathematical relation for each of them.
What is Transistor? Describe the working of a NPN and PNP transistor.
Q.5 (C). What is a diode? How can a diode be used as a rectifier?
Explain with diagrams the forward and reverse biasing of a p-n junction.
What is doping? How p-type and n-type semi conductors are made?
Q.5 (D). A maximum 50 milliamperes current be allowed to flow through 19.8 ohm coil of a galvanometer. Calculate the length of a Copper is to be used as a shunt. The diameter of the wire is 4mm, the specific resistance (ρ) of copper is 1.6 x 10(-8) ohm-m.
Q.6 (A). Select the correct answer for each from the given options.
i. The quantity ΔV/ΔS is called
Electrical Potential
Electric field intensity
Potential gradient
Electric induction
ii. In a wheat stone Bridge circuit we balance
All of these
iii. The unit of least count on a galvanometer represents
Q.6 (B). State Ampere's Circuit Law. Derive an expression for the magnetic induction inside a current carrying long solenoid with the help of Ampere Law's. Draw also neat diagram.
Define Torque. Derive the equation for the couple of torque acting on a current carrying rectangular coil suspended in a uniform magnetic field.
With the help of neat and labeled diagram describe the construction and working of an Electric Motor.
Q.6 (C). Explain Electric Flux. Under what condition will the flux through the surface be.
Q.6 (D). A coil of 50 turns is wound on an ivory frame 3 cm x 6 cm which rotates in a magnetic filed B = 2 web/m2 what will be the torque acting on it, if a current of 5 amperes passes through it and the plane of the coil makes an angle of 45°C with the field.

Q.7 (A). Select the correct answer for each from the given options.
i. If a small quantity of radioactive iodine 131/53I is taken in food, most of it deposited in
Thyroid glands
All glands
ii. The process of Β-particle emission from a nucleus involves the change in
Mass number
Mass and charge number
Charge number
No charge occurs
iii. The reverse of pair production is known as
Annihilation of electron and positron
Annihilation of electron and proton
Q.7 (B). State Bohr's Postulates for a hydrogen atom. Derive the expression for the total energy of the electron in the orbit of the hydrogen atom.
What are Black body and Black Body Radiation? State the laws governing the Black Body Radiation. Give their mathematical expressions.
Define the term Radioactivity and Half life of Radioactive Element. Describe the changes Produced in the nucleus as a result of α, Β, γ emissions. State and explain the laws of Radioactivity Decay with its exponential curve.
Q.7 (C). What are the postulates of the Special Theory of Relativity? Explain any three results of Einsteins Theory of Relativity.
What do you understand by the Frame of Reference and Inertial Frame of Reference? Give one example of each from daily life. Briefly describe the three basic equations from relativity predicting the relativistic changes.
Define Work Function, Stopping Potential and Threshold frequency.
Q.7 (D). In a hydrogen atom an electron experiences transition from a state whose binding energy is 0.54ev to the state whose energy is 10.2ev (RH = 1.097 x 10(7) m-1) Calculate
The quantum numbers of the two states
The wavelength of the photon emitted
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Q.8 (A). Select the correct answer for each from the given options.
i. The disintegration of a photon into electron and position near a heavy nucleus is known as
β - decay
α - decay
Pair Production
ii. Write the True or False for the following
The track formed in Wilson Cloud Chamber due to gamma (γ) rays is a thick and continuous line.
iii. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer
The ratio of the mass of proton to the mass of electron is ____________.
Q.8 (B). Explain the phenomenon of Compton Effect and obtain an expression for the increase in the wavelength of the scattered photon.
Explain the Fission Reaction with the help of nuclear process that a neutron can disintegrate into an electron and a photon. Write down the conversion equations in support of your answer. Explain Chain Reaction in (92U135).
Q.8 (C). What do you understand by term LASER? Describe the construction and working of Ruby Laser. Describe the principle of Laser.
Define Annihilation of matter. What do you understand by pair Production? Describe the condition for pair production with the help of an equation.
State and explain Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and derive the relative mathematical expression.
Describe de Broglie Hypothesis for the discription of wave nature of particles.
Describe the production of x-rays. Also give the characteristics and uses of x-rays.
Describe the construction and working of Geiger Counter.
Q.8 (D). In Compton scattering process the fractional change in wavelength of x-rays photon is 1% at an angle 120° (θ = 120°); find the wavelength of x-rays used in this experiment.